This summer, brothers Hembrock, Bratten and Braun, had the privilege to represent Epsilon Nu at the 2014 Karnea Convention in New Orleans, LA. The city and people were very generous and allowed us to parade through the streets of New Orleans in celebration of Karnea, after which we took a ferry down the Mississippi. During the legislative section, we voted on several items pertaining to the Ritual, New Member qualifications, and overall structure of the fraternity. At the awards ceremony we received the James P. Seltzer Award for most man hours per person to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Brother Hammon also received the William J. Fraering Award for outstanding alumni service, just a testament to his dedication to our chapter and our national fraternity as a whole. The next Karnea will be in the summer of 2016 in Orlando, FL and then St. Louis, MO in the summer of 2018. We hope to see you all there!