dougspillerService and philanthropy is thriving at Epsilon Nu. As of November 15th , the chapter has raised a total of 824 service hours this semester. This means that, on average, members have given thirty-three hours of service since August. The chapter has expanded its presence in Rolla, volunteering with Lyon’s Club, the Tri-County Center for Independent Living, Prevention Consultants Mentoring, and other groups.

Of course fall numbers are inflated immensely by the Haunted Maze, which celebrated its twentieth annual this year. Many of the 650 attendees complimented the Maze, as in previous years, on its scariness. A constant comment was on how much guests preferred the Maze to the Haunted Mine, but the actives are not the only ones who deserve credit. Doug Spiller (AE 189) visited the chapter with his son, Kendall, while the maze was operating. After going through the maze, Doug grabbed a wolf mask and went back in to terrorize. Kendall did the same after borrowing some costume pieces from actives.

At the end of the event, the Haunted Maze raised a gross total of approximately $2,300. A large capital investment was made this year, coming in at over $700 dollars. This included replacing over six hundred yards of tarp, eighty stakes, black lights, and strobes. The final donation to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) rested at $1,600.

Epsilon Nu has been recognized nationally for its commitment to JDRF. We have received not only the Western Plains award for Exemplary Service to JDRF, but we have become one of two chapters to receive the first ever James O. Selzer Award for Chapter Excellence. This award, named in honor of Brother Jim Selzer, was presented for the first time at the 2014 Karnea. It honors chapters that that support the national partnership with JDRF. Epsilon Nu received the award for the most service hours per man for JDRF.

The chapter is always looking for more opportunities to give its time. Greg Eike (BΔ 334), a member of Young Friends of Kids with Cancer, has coordinated with the chapter in volunteering for a Young Friends fundraiser in St. Louis. The charity gives educational, emotional, and recreational programs to children with cancer and their families in the greater St. Louis region. This year we sent twenty-five members and two potential new members to the ‘mouse race’ fundraiser, where we volunteered alongside Lindenwood Delts (Iota Chi chapter). The event raised just over $10,000.

If you remain close to Rolla and have an event that needs volunteers, please reach out! You can contact the chapter via phone (573-364-1909), email (, or by passing the message through an active.

-Matt Vogel (BN 378)