Lucas Gerke
Coming from Boonville, Missouri, Lucas Gerke will be graduating with a Civil engineering degree this winter. He originally got interested in it due to his love of building various structures.
Originally joining the house for the strong sense of brotherhood, he is a member of the Beta Chi pledge class and badge #447. Lucas held positions such as the House and Grounds chairmen, Sergeant-at-Arms, Vice President (External), and in his last year, our President.
As for life after S&T, Lucas has found a job at Alberici constructors as a project engineer.
Benjamin Koch
Benjamin Koch, from St. Louis, Missouri, will be graduating this semester with an electrical engineering degree. He gained interest in the major from the transparent game consoles such as the Gameboy and Nintendo 64s that were a major part of his childhood.
Ben joined the house as he felt that the dorms lacked the excitement and the fun he desired. After joining Delts, he knew he made the right choice as he had a position where people relied on him, new friends he enjoyed, and it felt like home. Ben is a member of the Beta Upsilon pledge class as badge #436. While in the house he took on a few roles such as the housing and grounds chair after his first semester of pledging and then the vice president for the next three semesters after that.
In terms of what he has after college, he has received many offers. He has chosen a position in Saint Louis as an Electrical Product Engineer at Potter Electric signal company. He will be responsible for the schematics and testing of 2-way emergency response radios. He will also design and build the test fixtures for the product.
Ethan Hisle
Ethan Hisle
Ethan Hisle, from Sedalia, Missouri, will be graduating with a degree in physics as he felt it was the most natural choice for him. Ever since he was young he was obsessed with space, NASA, and astronauts. This led him to decide in high school to become an astrophysicist, which in turn led him to S&T.
Ethan joined the house right after coming to college with one of our now alumni, Andy Bateman, getting him interested in Greek life. Ian Mclean, another alumnus, brought him to the Delts which eventually led to him joining. One of his favorite things about the house is the overall camaraderie such as the late nights after a party or social. Member of the Beta Chi pledge class, he’s badge #444. Ethan has held multiple positions in the house including Secretary, Social Chair, and was an Interfraternity Council (IFC) representative, holding the position of concerts chair. He’s also a part of the Society of Physics Students.
As of now he is still interviewing for jobs and hoping to end up working at a national lab. He is in the final stages of interviewing for a research associate position at the Idaho national lab. In terms of long-term goals, he hopes to work at NASA as a research physicist.
Adam Rice
From Columbia, Missouri, Adam Rice will be graduating with a degree in Petroleum Engineering with a minor in Geology. He chose to major in this area due to the lack of being able to see the system being evaluated which leads to different factors being taken into consideration such as, the multiple inputs from seismic, well logging, and geophysics to build a picture of the system. These components fascinate him and always pique his interest.
Adam joined the house as they accepted his past and had strong values aligning with his. He knew it would encourage his growth and support him through his struggles. During his recovery, he had learned that success needed more than just the individual. He felt this chapter could help achieve his endeavors and vice versa. One of his favorite things about the house is seeing the growth in each individual and the progress each of us makes. Adam has held the position of President, Director of Member Development, Secretary, FAAR Chairman, and the Service and Philanthropy chairman. He has also held the position of President, Treasurer, Leadership, and Recognition chairman in Blue key, a society of top students at S&T. He is also part of the Society of Petroleum Engineering where he has held the position of Vice president Internal.
After graduation, he will be working for BP in the Challenger development program as an Application Engineer. He will mostly be home-based with some travel.
A fun fact about Adam is that he was once beaten by a 64-year-old man as part of a sneak attack. This was not appreciated of course.