Thaysen Feldbaumer ΓB 473
“My time as a Delt has truly impacted my life in a more positive way than I could have ever imagined! Since joining the chapter, the fraternity has continuously introduced me to many great men whom I have grown to love as brothers. I will miss being an active member, appreciate all the amazing times I had, and cherish the opportunities it has given me!”

Caleb WIlliamson
From Peoria, Illinois, will be graduating with an Information Science and Technology degree. He also has minors in Business and Enterprise Resource Planning. He was interested in the degree since it combines business with computer science. Caleb joined the house after seeing how close all the guys were. He is badge # 479 and a member of the Gamma Gamma pledge class. He has held Food and Net admin chairman, as well as Secretary and Director of Member Development. He is also in the Fraternal Order of Leaders, holding the position of Treasurer.
He is currently applying to jobs and hopes to be an enterprise architect.

Blake Matteson
“I have enjoyed my time here at Delts. It has changed me a lot as person, and have led me to meeting different people and experiencing things I wouldn’t have normally in most situations. I’m not sure who I would be if I hadn’t join the fraternity. Whether its for the best or the worse, I am happy with the decisions I have made and hope to have continued involvement after I graduate. Thank You All Past and Current Delts.”

Braeden Drag