Summoning: Failure to fulfill weekly duties, operate appropriately, academic failure, or acting in a way that portrays the fraternity or your character in a bad light will result in summons. Bylaws shall be brought against you, and you shall be given 24 hours’ notice. Summoning can be fought either with an appeal or disputed at J-board which occurs after chapter.

Summons can be appealed by going to the Seargent at arms and giving evidence to why your summons is invalid, this must be done before chapter. 
There are 5 members of honor board they are all chosen by the chapter. Those members shall be the elected Seargent at arms who has no vote but will pass down judgment. With 4 members who show interest or are nominated to be the votes of J-board, these members will include one member for each class year, freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Each of these four are granted one vote in which they decide on a person’s summons, a 3/4 vote must be achieved for a guilty sentence.